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I call this a soul reading. By taking your  date of birth and reducing it down to its smallest number,  we have the point at which to start your reading

I use a combination of cards, crystals and information passed from your guides or loved ones in spirit.  They connect to give you the message that you need to hear at this time..

Click the button below for more details.





Sometimes our own energy just isn't enough.  A spiritual healing allows energy from spirit/the universe to travel through the healer to the client.   The body will then intuitively use that energy where it is needed most. 

Click the button below for more details.


Often a reading or a healing is just enough to set you back on your path re-energised.

Sometimes, we need a little more.  That is why I developed this course.

A combination of teaching,  healing, coaching and support from spirit.

At the end of each session I will provide you with a support pack that will be yours to keep and build upon.

By the end of the course you will have all the information you need to truly become a soul in control!

Click the button below for more details.


why spiritual healing?

Read more about why I use the term 'spiritual' to preface my work

prices and booking

use this button to go to prices and bookings

Reach for the stars

Read more about why the stars are so integral to my design


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