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Soul in control course 


Your road to self-empowerment

6 personal sessions  allow 90 minutes per session


Sometimes a tweak here and there is all we need to keep us on our path and a reading or a healing can be enough.  Other times, we feel that something much bigger is going on and we need a helping hand.  I have put this package together as a means of addressing those moments.  

I have designed it so that you will have a folder full of information to refer to by the end of the course.  My intention is that by that time you will have the tools to move forward in your life with your own sense of self-empowerment.  If, however, you fancy a refresher on any aspect of the course or a standalone healing or a reading in the future that is ok too. Personally, I have learned that no matter how strong I may have seemed, it was comforting to have someone to walk beside me and hold my hand for some of the journey - helping me to see my strengths when I thought they were weaknesses.


Learning, re-learning and absorbing new ways

I have outlined each session below to give you an idea of what to expect.

Some of you may look at the areas covered over the course and feel that this is something you have done before and I really understand that.  Personally, though, when things start to go wrong for me it is because I have temporarily forgotten and need to re-remember what my soul already knows.  This human existence can really get in the way of doing the important stuff and although I say that in a light-hearted way, I have to admit to feeling like a bit of a twit when someone had to remind me to use my  spiritual protection out and about in the every day world like I  do with the spiritual work!

The sessions are yours alone, I will work with you one to one so you can really feel like this is time just for you.



I have spent time writing a course and so I will present it to everyone, broadly speaking, in the same way.  We are all individuals, though, and have our own unique paths and so, as the course progresses, we are likely to find that it takes on a life of its own as we work together in healing, learning and moving forward towards that feeling of being a soul in control!


Nuts and Bolts

I recommend that you allow a month between each session to truly integrate everything we have covered, otherwise there is a possibility that it will sit in the mind as new and interesting facts rather than being absorbed and integrated into the soul and becoming a truly new you.

When all is said and done, we are all different and if it works out better for you to work at a different pace I can be flexible.  Before starting a course, please check your diary to make sure you will have the time to commit to it.



By the end of the course, you should feel as if you are back in the driving seat from your soul's perspective.  There will likely be more to work on in the future but that is just life!

What you should have, though, are the tools to work through anything new and a pack to refer to if you temporarily forget something - like me.





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