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Planet and Moon

 allow an hour

I charge per reading.  The reason for this is that sometimes the message you need to hear is delivered quickly, efficiently and to everyone's satisfaction.  Other times it may take a little longer for the message to come through or you may have further questions.  That said, I can feel when the connection has not been made, as the love and warmth I usually feel as spirit draw close will not materialise.   If, for whatever reason, there is no connection between us that day you will not be charged.


What can I expect to happen?

I take your date of birth to find the energy that you were born with; the essence of your soul energy.  I then look at your mind, body spirit balance to see where the work is currently needed.  If one area is out of balance with the others then this will be shown to us and the steps towards a solution will become clear.


So, by this stage we usually have an idea of what you need to be working on, occasionally, we need to dig a little deeper or you may have further questions. 


I use cards as a visual aid because it can help you to 'see' what is being said but the messages come from your higher self, your guides or loved ones in spirit.


What can I do to prepare?

Allow yourself time to get to your appointment and, if you can, spend some time  in quiet contemplation, thinking about  the area of your life on which you are seeking clarification. This starts to build your connection with spirit and begins to open the channels of communication.  Again, after your appointment try not to rush back into your busy life, take a walk or a little time with nature until you feel ready to engage with the physical world again.

If you would like your reading to be conducted via video call then please state this as your preference when booking and pay in advance online.  I will be in touch to confirm the best way to do this with you.  




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