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Why 'Spiritual' Healing?

Spiritual - definition


'Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things'



I preface everything I do with this word so I thought I had better explain exactly what I mean by it.


My thoughts

I think of the soul as a weightless, shapeless energy form that can live many lifetimes, in many ways.  I believe that the soul, when in its 'natural' energetic state, is linked to and aware  of everything else that exists, has ever existed and ever will exist.  When it comes to  the earth, it needs a vehicle and this is the body that we exist in during our lifetime.  Once in this body we seem to find it much harder to think of ourselves as this light being and the interconnectedness of all that is and, generally, we focus on our day to day existence.


My beliefs

I believe that the soul has come to this earth plane to live in this physical body to interact and express itself through actions, thoughts, words and emotions and therefore grow in its understanding of itself.  While it is doing this, an intricate dance plays out between the soul, this world and other souls.  By the time the body is worn and unable to go on, it is hoped that the soul will have given what it has come to give, learned what it has come to learn and had a generally good time in the process.

While I consider the most important thing to remember is that the soul should be the driving force behind everything we do, as I work with you I do look at the mind, the body and our interaction with the physical world because, as I said, the dance being played out is an intricate one.  There are occasions in life where we can feel a little lost, confused or overwhelmed; especially as we seem to forget we are more than just this mind and body.


My experience

In my experience, this is when we have stopped being true to ourselves in a bid to keep everyone else happy or we have reached a time in our life for new learning, new direction and new understanding.  What has worked for us before no longer seems to.  Some measure of courage and determination is often required of us to succeed in this next phase.  I have found myself at this point on more than one occasion and over time I have developed tools that have helped me and I like to share them to try to help others, this being the part of me, I believe, that I am meant to give while I live this lifetime.


Who can help us?

Those who are still in or have returned to that soup of energy and connectedness;  those who can still see the 'whole' picture and are not bogged down by the physical body and physical world like we are.  They can be thought of in a variety of ways, here are just a few:


- you may think of it as connecting with your higher-self;  the part of you that can still remember that you are a soul on a mission.

- Sometimes, the help will come from your loved ones in spirit.

-  Then there are energies that exist on higher levels that we talk of as our guides or guardian angels.  Different cultures will refer to 'the universal energy', 'the source energy', 'the divine', but they are all referring to the same thing, in my view, the  purest of all energy.


What about negative energy?

This is something that does exist, unfortunately, in all walks of life.  We can protect ourselves from negativity in this world in all manner of ways.  This can range from distancing ourselves from a friend who brings us down to taking out insurance against a leaky pipe.  In the same way, some people can come into contact with negative energy when working spiritually, so we use tools  to protect ourselves and those that we are working with from this. Properly trained, we use methods to ensure that only positive healing energy can come through.


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